How to customization "BLOG CATEGORY" section

However, when it comes to the "Blog Categories" section, you need to manually alter the footer section. This article will provide you a step by step guide for doing the same. If you are not clear about what section of the footer I'm talking about, just check the following picture.
So, follow these instructions to have a "Blog Categories" Section of your choice.

1. Go to "Design->Edit HTML. Make a backup of your template before modifying the HTML by clicking on the "Download full template" link at the top of the page.
2. Once the backup is made, search for the following line in your template. Use "CTRL+F" to fasten your search results.
<li class='cat-item cat-item-68'><a href='' shape='rect' target='_blank' title='Blogger Tutorials'>Blogger Tutorials</a></li>
3. You will find the links that point to my labels. So, it is pretty clear that these labels (categories) should point to your blog labels. To do so, first remove all the links that point to my blog.
4. To remove the links that point to my blog, you need to remove the following codes highlighted in RED and BLUE.
<li class='cat-item cat-item-68'><a href='' shape='rect' target='_blank' title='Blogger Tutorials'>Blogger Tutorials</a></li><li class='cat-item cat-item-387'><a href='' shape='rect' target='_blank' title='Blogger Tips'>Blogger Tips</a></li><li class='cat-item cat-item-874'><a href='' shape='rect' target='_blank' title='Online Business'>Online Business</a></li><li class='cat-item cat-item-34'><a href='' shape='rect' target='_blank' title='PTC'>PTC</a></li><li class='cat-item cat-item-307'><a href='' shape='rect' target='_blank' title='RCB PTC'>PTC Referral Cashback</a></li><li class='cat-item cat-item-2555'><a href='' shape='rect' target='_blank' title='Tips And Trick'>Tips And Trick</a></li><li class='cat-item cat-item-215'><a href='' shape='rect' target='_blank' title='Matrix Online'>Matrix Money Online</a></li><li class='cat-item cat-item-77'><a href='' shape='rect' target='_blank' title='Link Exchange'>Link Exchange</a></li><li class='cat-item cat-item-64'><a href='' shape='rect' target='_blank' title='PTC site offer'>PTC site offer</a></li><li class='cat-item cat-item-64'><a href='' shape='rect' target='_blank' title='Advertise'>Advertise</a></li>
5. Next, Change the RED higlight with you link And BLUE Highlight with your link tittle. Then you may save your template temporarily. 
6. After you save your template. Next, you need to design a footer logo with the following dimensions - 166x120 pixels. (Note: The logo should have a transparent background or should match the background color of the footer.) You can contact me via email or hit the services page if you need a footer logo - design charges ($5.00). 
7. Upload your logo to a website such as PICASA and get the URL for the logo you uploaded. Now, find the following link in your template (found in the CSS part of your template).
8. Replace this link with the URL of your logo (obtained after uploading your logo).
9. That's it!!! Save your template and have a look the footer.

I hope you enjoyed this customization. I will be posting more and more customizations for the shoutmeloud thesis theme in the upcoming weeks. I recommend you to subscribe to my blog so that you don't miss out any article. You can share your views about the post via comments. Your comments are always welcome!!!


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